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Showing posts from February, 2022


 Hey friends 🙏🏻 Welcome to the new blog of Rubaru! Today let's study about Hadjod ( हाड़जोड़ ). You may wonder hadjod? Whats that? Well its a plant, yes you read it right. The scientific name of hadjod is Cissus Quadrangularis which is a perennial plant of the grape family.. Its found in nature in Tropical Asia, Arabia and Africa. Its commonly called as Veldt Grape/Devils Backbone/Adamant Creeper/Asthisamharaka( In ayurveda)/ Hadjod( In Hindi) and pirandai(   in Tamil).Its mainly used to help rejoin broken bones. Its also called as bonesetter. Its fleshy and cactic in nature.In many landguages, it has got different names like: Hindi: Kandvel, Harsankari Bengali:Hasjora, Horjora Kannada: Mungarahalli Malyalam: Harsankar Tamil: Vajravalli Many of us do not read about this gift of nature. We people have some chronic diseases like gastritis which happens suddenly and when we pop a pill in morning, we are satisfied that the acidity wont form but it becomes chronich. In ayurveda, from

सदाबहार ( सदाफूली ):एवरग्रीन प्लांट

 नमस्ते ब्लॉग मेंबर्स 🙏🏻 मैं अच्छी हूँ |आशा करती हूँ आप सब भी अच्छे होंगे|चलिए आज रूबरू होते हैँ सदाबहार से |सदाबहार का पौधा देखा हैँ ना आप सबने |जी वही सदाबहार जो कहीं भी उग जाता है और हर मौसम में रहता है |इसलिए वह सदाबहार कहलाया जाता है |सदाबहार में खुशबू नहीं होती पर इसके फूल बहुत सुन्दर दिखते हैँ | ये 12 महीने खिला रहता है |इसकी आठ जातियाँ हैँ  जिनमें से सात तो मदगास्कर में ही पाई जाती है |इसकी आठवीं जाति भारतीय उपमाहाद्वीप में पाई जाती है |इसका वैज्ञानिक नाम है : Catharanthus Roseus इसका अंग्रेजी नाम पीरिविंकल है |ये पौधा फूलदार झाड़ी जैसे उगता है | हर भारतीय भाषा में नाम : ओड़िया : अपनस्कान्ति तमिल : सदाकाडू मल्लिकाई तेलुगु : बिल्लागन्नेस्त्र पंजाबी : रत्नजोत बांग्ला : नयनतारा मराठी : सदाफूली मलयालम : उषामालरी इसके श्वेत व बैंगनी रंग के फूल आते हैँ |ये सुन्दर आभावाले छोटे गुच्छे जैसे बारह महीने देखने को मिलते हैं | वनस्पतिक संरचना : ये झाड़ी वैसे तो इतनी जानदार होती है और जो इसका दूध निकलता है वो भी जेहरीला होता है |पत्तियाँ कड़वी होती है | औषधिय गुण : ये खांसी, गले की खराश, फेफड़ो

A Trek To Matanga hill and visit to an unexplored place

 Hey are you?Hope all are fine and safe.As promised I am going to share my trek experience  to Matanga Hill and also going to share my experience to an untraversed place. So lets begin.. It was the first day of the New Year(1 JAN) and we thought to just start the new year with enthusiasm(as we all will be on first day). We planned the trip to Matanga hill with one of our friends and his family.As Hampi is just near to our place (Its just an hour),we started by 10:30 from home. We reached the place where we needed to start the trek(the stairs). It was 12 pm and myself,my husband,his friend and his family( his wife ( my friend) and her 3 and half year daughter( yes she trekked with us to the hill without any hesitation and crying. Before I start my journey,I will give an overview of Matanga hill. Matanga Hill: As per Ramayana,the place was the heritage of the saint Matanga. The Vanara King Vali killed a buffalo demon  called Dhunduvi and he threw his corpse on the hill and s


 Hey Blog members,Namaste..It has been a long time.So today lets rejuvenate ourselves with Hampi. As I live near Hampi( about an hour from my place),I have travelled so many time to Hampi.But as we  say  that some places always remain unexplored,such place is Hampi.In this blog we will come  across the history of Hampi and the main historical places,its origin and many more facts. Introduction: Hampi/Hampe (Group of Monuments at Hampi) is the UNESCO World Heritage Site located in East  -Central Karnataka .Its in Vijayanagar District.The Area is 4,187.24 ha .Hampi is the capital of  Vijayanagar Empire.During 14th century it attracted Persian and European travellers. Hampi was the  prosperous,wealthy grand city near the Tungabhadra River .It had numerous temples,farms and trading m arkets.During 1500 CE,it was world's second-largest medieval -era city after Beijing which attracted  traders from Portugal.But as every good story has an end,Era of Hampi ended after the defeat of  Vija